Halloween costumes are fun and “scary or funny eyes” make a big “visual” impression, but make sure you protect your eyes!
Never use any contact lenses unless they have been prescribed for you by an ophthalmologist or optometrist! The costume contact lenses that are available without prescription are not approved by the FDA for sale in the United States and are illegal! These contacts may harm your eyes because of poor fit, defects in manufacturing, or contamination with bacteria or chemicals; potentially causing severe damage, infections and even blindness. Also, never wear contact lenses that have been prescribed for someone else.
Be careful with make-up around the eyes! Use only make-up that is designed for use around the eyes. Other substances can be dangerous if gotten into the eyes. Sparkling eyeshadow may be fun, but glitter in the eyes is painful and can cause serious corneal abrasions and infections! Eye make-up should be thrown away every three months and never use anyone else’s eye make-up or store samples. Always remove all eye make-up before going to bed.
Make sure that masks worn by young children don’t obstruct their vision, straight ahead or to the sides, and can’t be accidentally pushed, rubbed, or displaced to scratch the eyes.
Always think about safety when carving pumpkins! Closely supervise children at all times and practice safe cutting - Never cut upward where a knife could suddenly cut loose and go towards the face! Always cut downward and away for safety!
Have a fun and safe Halloween! Bookmark SafeEyesAmerica and visit often for more safe eye tips!